Friday, July 5, 2013

What's next?

These are my near-perfect children. Our daughter is 30 and has been on her own for several years. Our son is 18 and has just graduated high school. In August, he too will leave the nest, to go off to Purdue and his new chapter towards the future. Even though he will be back, things will never be exactly the same. My husband, Steve, and I will be starting out own new chapter as empty-nesters. We've been Mom & Dad for over 30 years. Of course, we will still be Mom & Dad, but it will be different, more in the back ground. And that is good, that is how it is intended but...

What now? What's next? I guess Steve and I will Create Something new!

Meanwhile...I've started up this blog. It's no secret to anyone who knows me that I love to create things. Jewelry, crochet items, greeting cards, scrap book pages...if I can get my hands into it, I will try it! My jewelry is selling in two hair salons now and I will be adding cards when I get a chance. I also have an idea for a cute crochet item thanks to a dear friend I've never even had the pleasure of meeting face to face...the internet creates those sorts of relationships!

So, if you like, follow my little blog and watch as I show you some things I make, maybe some good things to cook and some ramblings from time to time. Meanwhile...go Create Something even if it's just a little JOY!